CVs – Explaining the gaps
Never be tempted to hide the gaps in your CV if you’ve had some time out of the job market. Recruiters will notice and take the lack of explanation negatively and as a warning sign, which will make them cautious and suspicious, limiting your chances of getting an interview.
Returning to work is a big decision and you need to work out how to balance the demands of your life with a career.
Life happens and people understand that, so be honest about your situation. Here are a few of the most common reasons for a gap with suggestions on how to explain it on your CV:
- Illness – If this happened to you within the last few years, acknowledge it and briefly explain the circumstances. Finish with a positive on how fit, willing and able you are to return to the work place.
- Redundancy – Enlightened employers will understand that it is difficult to find suitable employment and as long as they can see you’ve been active and productive in trying to find a job, it will help a lot.
- Travelling – Spin this positively and many employers will appreciate that you’ve broadened your mind and horizons before committing to a role. It shows them that you have a sense of independence and cultural awareness.
- Caring for family / bringing up kids – Perfectly acceptable and make sure you explain that your commitments are taken care of and that you can dedicate time to your job now.
Good luck!